In Lagos State, Nigeria, community pharmacies are patients nearest health professionals and first point of contact to any medical treatment. The organizational performance is perceived by the generality to be on the low side. This study examined the relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational performance among community pharmacies in Lagos State, Nigeria. The survey design was adopted for the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from four hundred and twelve community pharmacies using fifty percent of the total population as the sampling technique because it has a high relevance and attains a better representation of the community pharmacies in Lagos State, Nigeria. Data was analyzed with descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The findings showed that knowledge sharing was high among the community pharmacies. There was a significant positive relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational performance. The study recommends that the community pharmacists should create more information portals where knowledge can be shared in order to have the right knowledge at the right time so as to reduce inappropriate treatment.
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